Monday, May 2, 2011

Sam's News

Hi Gang! It's me, Samwise!! It sure has been busy around here, but let me tell girl is home from college...for the WHOLE SUMMER!
 Happy Day!

I love her so much! Even when she makes rude faces behind my back. What's up with that?
Then she kisses me and tries to make up. I cannot help it. I always forgive her.

Mom is feeling a lot better after her long recovery.
She does not like pictures taken of her, ahem, beautiful face!

Britt watched a movie called "127 Hours" about a guy who got stuck  in some rocks and had to cut his arm off. It was weird. She made funny faces...

...and lots of funny sounds...

...and cried a lot! She also muttered something about some "hot guy" named James Franco.

When she's not being all weird about movies we take lots of naps together.

There has been lots of ham around here lately! It makes me all drool-ish and everything!

I cannot tell you how much I LOVE HAM!!

Mom laughed the other day when she was making breakfast. She says there's a chicken at the Oakdell Farm who is laying double-yolked eggs. Is that a bad thing? I can eat that chicken for her if she wants!

That's it for now. Please excuse me while I enjoy my morning sunny place and 
Rachel's excellent massage technique.

What are you still doing here? I have rays to catch! Go enjoy your day!


Whitney said...

I love this post!

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

Cute post. I love it when Samwise makes a post. It cracks me up. A few years ago a friend of mine did a Christmas card and told all about the family and what they'd been up to from the dog's point of view. It was hysterical! I'm sure if our animals really could talk they could tell shed a whole new light on many things.

I'm glad to hear your feeling better and that you have some rays for Samwise to soak up.

Enjoy your day!

Lori said...

Oh Sam you are my favorite Utah dog! I have to say that because my granddog, Jenks, would be heartbroken. Really cute pictures and I too am so happy that you are feeling better Marianne!