June 16th was Dee's and my 30th wedding anniversary.
I still can't get over how fast 30 years has gone by! To celebrate, Dee took me to see "Up". We hadn't seen it yet and I was so surprised at how good it was! It made me cry and it had the sweet story of the couple in love married all of those years.

Here we are in a self portrait on my cell phone.
Why I look yellow is beyond me. I was still recovering from the three week sinus infection and I had been crying too...so I guess I was looking a bit tired too.
No...I just looked sick!

Here we are in a self portrait on my cell phone.
Why I look yellow is beyond me. I was still recovering from the three week sinus infection and I had been crying too...so I guess I was looking a bit tired too.
No...I just looked sick!

After the movie we drove south to Provo
where we had been given a free night's stay in a lovely jacuzzi suite at the Hampton Inn.
We ate dinner and since we were staying in south Provo I told Dee our dessert would come from The Sweet Tooth Fairy Bakery!
It is a favorite of sweet blogger Nie Nie
and she makes the cup cakes sound so good
that I had to have one.
where we had been given a free night's stay in a lovely jacuzzi suite at the Hampton Inn.
We ate dinner and since we were staying in south Provo I told Dee our dessert would come from The Sweet Tooth Fairy Bakery!
It is a favorite of sweet blogger Nie Nie
and she makes the cup cakes sound so good
that I had to have one.

Don't they look scrumptious???
Notice the ones on the upper right are named "Va-Nie-lla Squared"
after the famous blogger herself!
Notice the ones on the upper right are named "Va-Nie-lla Squared"
after the famous blogger herself!

I seriously had the hardest time choosing.
I wanted to try Nie's favorite but the Red Velvet with its
mounds of cream cheese frosting called to me!
It was deliriously yummy!
I wanted to try Nie's favorite but the Red Velvet with its
mounds of cream cheese frosting called to me!
It was deliriously yummy!

All said and done...we had a very nice time "away" without having to go too far!
Next... Random bits of life in June.
We have a weird dog, but he's too adorable not to love!
Next... Random bits of life in June.
We have a weird dog, but he's too adorable not to love!
Dee's peas were harvested and were they ever good!
We celebrated Richard's 14th birthday.
As has been our joy this last year,
Sarah has been able to "join us" via web cam
all the way from Toronto!
As has been our joy this last year,
Sarah has been able to "join us" via web cam
all the way from Toronto!
June was a record breaking month for us in the rain department!
That means there were plenty of rainbows!
Did I mention we have a weird dog?!
OK...technically this happened on July 1st
but I had to throw it in!
Two of our dearest friends from our nearly nine years
living in Tacoma, WA came to town.
We met them for lunch at Cafe Rio (yum!) in American Fork on Wednesday.
It was like we had never been apart!
We love Aimee and Stephanie and their families!
Notice our darling Sarah with us...home from Toronto
for nearly three weeks!
(why do I look silly in this photo?)
And finally...the BEST FOR LAST...I went with my sweetie to BYU on Thursday
so he could sign and turn in the final, last for infinity, ever in this lifetime paperwork for his Master's Degree!!! He is DONE!
I am overjoyed that we get him back!!
I am so proud that he has stuck with it these last five years.
Part of that time he was working 13 hour days
and serving as the Bishop of a BYU student ward while taking night classes.
It was incredibly hard and several times he wanted to throw in the towel.
When I heard him get that way I put my foot down
and told him we had ALL been through it for so long
he had better finish what he started.
I won! We all won!!
so he could sign and turn in the final, last for infinity, ever in this lifetime paperwork for his Master's Degree!!! He is DONE!
I am overjoyed that we get him back!!
I am so proud that he has stuck with it these last five years.
Part of that time he was working 13 hour days
and serving as the Bishop of a BYU student ward while taking night classes.
It was incredibly hard and several times he wanted to throw in the towel.
When I heard him get that way I put my foot down
and told him we had ALL been through it for so long
he had better finish what he started.
I won! We all won!!

Dee, we love you! You are the best!
Did I tell you one of my friends is a head baker at that place?
WOW! What a fun month you had! I love reading Nie Nie's blog. I feel like she's one of my dear friends and I've never met her! Funny how blogs do that! Anyway, everytime I read anything about that place I think, oh I'd love to try one those. I hope it was as good as I've imagined in my head!
I think you look beautiful, as always. I am also really proud of Uncle Dee and his HUGE accomplishment!!! And I'm proud of you and your whole family for loving him and supporting him!
I hope you are feeling better now and that you have a fabulous 4th of July!
Take Care,
This was such a great post, Marianne. Happy Anniversary to you and Dee...a huge accomplishment in this day and age! We are coming up north in two weeks for a day at 7 Peaks with our grandchildren and on my "To Do" list is the Sweet Tooth Fairy Bakery. Your pictures are so fabulous!! We went to Sprinkles while we were in Newport Beach, I bought 9 cupcakes for $35!!! I almost fainted. A Really HUGE Congratulations to Dee for finishing up his Masters. What an accomplishment! Our daughter, Kori, is about 1/2 finished with hers. It's so hard to work, raise a family, serve in the church AND go to school. I don't know how she does it but we're proud of her as I know you are of Dee. Now you all can really enjoy the summer!!
Happy Anniversary! I loved Up! I didn't just cry...I pretty much sobbed. Several times.
Your weird dog is a crack up! Congrats to your hubby...what a wonderful accomplishment! :)
I didn't post pictures of my parents' TV room re-do because I didn't think to take any "before" pictures! Their tastes are simple and conservative, and without anything to compare it to, I didn't think it would make for a very exciting photo! :)
Marianne; I am so sorry I didn't see your latest Blog sooner. It was really nice. I am so happy for Dee that he is through with all he had to do for his Masters Degree. I witnessed a few times how hard it was. But it will be so worth it to him in years to come. We'll have to go to that bakery when I am there next. Mom
Congrats to Dee!!!!!! You're June/July sounds like so much fun!
Oh! P.S. Where is that cupcake shop? I've been wanting a cupcake shop in Provo for ages!!!
Can anyone be happy enough for Dee?!? I'm in awe of all the hard work, determination and endurance he's exhibited. Can't, the four letter word?
So, it's been 30 years? gulp! That means I'm coming up on 25?!
I cannot wait to see you in August...
Aunt Marianne I enjoyed reading your post. I know Im last on this long list but we want to say congrats to Uncle Dee as well! It was nice to be able to get caught up with you all. We are gonna be your way next weekend! Will you be there? We would love to come spend some time with all of you! Also Aunt Gina said something about seeing you in August...is she coming to Utah?
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