Sunday, July 19, 2009

Isn't That Cute?!

My Sweetie and I went to Home Depot the other day. We entered the store and headed for the plumbing aisle. Just then a young woman came running behind us calling,
"Stop! Stop!"
It frightened me. I thought maybe we had run over someone in the parking lot.
As we turned around to look at her she said, "I just wanted you to know, my little girl saw you holding hands as you went into the store. She said Look Mama! They are holding hands! Isn't that just SO cute?!

It made my day!


Nancy Face said...

Awww...that IS cute! :)

I go to several thrift stores! I like Deseret Industries and Goodwill, and I found the trash can at a tiny little thrift store called Save the Family. It's on Country Club just north of University, and I like it because they put newly arrived furniture out front so you can see it as you drive by! I found Lauren's gorgeous dining room chairs there, as well as an awesome bedroom set for Zach, and I just found a cool desk there a couple weeks ago!

Helen Ellsworth said...

Never quit holding hands. That is one thing I miss so much. Daddy holding my hand all through church. It speaks tons of how you feel about each other, without saying a word.
Keep it up and never outgrow it. I love you so much. Mom

Edwin & Tamara said...

Awww I love that when it happens, That has happen to edwin and I and it just gives ya a warm fuzzy feeling. Edwin had taken me to dinner a while back and the restaurant was kind of crowded and he pulled the chair out for me like he always does, and the wife at the other table bonked her husband on the head and said how come you never do that for me?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...true love never dies!

Anonymous said...

I always love holding your hand my sweet Marianne. Ever since I took your hand in mine and put both hands in my jacket pocket on the way to the BYU football game I have enjoyed having your hand in mine. I love and miss you. See you in two days.

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

That is so sweet! I love that people after many years of marriage still hold hands and still love holding each others hands. That is one of my favorite things of all is holding my Brian's hand.

☂niki. said...

so cute!