The week flew by! Here is what has been going on around our house...
Saturday: The family bowled at Fat Cats in Provo. This reporter did her duty taking photos of people's rear ends and enjoyed her FREE Costa Vida salad!
Sunday: Miss Sarah flew the coop and headed back to Toronto to prepare for her research trip to Italy. She called this reporter on Thursday to let me know she sliced her left hand between her index and middle fingers trying to take the pit from and avocado. This reporter did the same thing last week only mine was more like a stab! Good stitches required but it is deep enough to cause her much pain and annoyance. Tip: next time we want guacamole she and I will both use a fork.
All Week Long: Michael, Rachel, & Richard fought many fierce battles for Middle Earth. Mr. M does not like his photo taken Mr. R looks like he has battled too long and hard! Miss R was taking the photos.
Tuesday: Dee picked up the final copy of his Master's Thesis from his graduate committee chairperson. He then took it to the Wilkinson Center to be printed in triplicate. A copy was taken by said Master of Science to the Harold B. Lee Library on the campus of Brigham Young University to be filed there and online for all to read. After this, he took a copy to the Department of Graduate Studies in the old President's House on campus to be submitted for graduation in August. This reporter accompanied him on this odyssey and witnessed great relief and emotion as the final task was completed. The exclamation heard was "It's OVER!"
Tuesday: This reporter noticed strange goings on in the upper part of the house. One 14 year old boy was seen clearing off his dresser and tidying up his room. When asked what had gotten into him he replied, "Oh I don't know. It was starting to bug me so I cleaned it up!" For his efforts he received praise and gratitude plus the added advantage of finding his long lost $2 bill!This is how he organized his dresser top! Pretty spiffy! I stand all amazed!
Wednesday: The Master of the house had his Email account stolen as most readers of this blog are already aware. The filthy hackers had somehow acquired his password, changed it, and blocked his access. Every contact he had in his address book and every one of their contacts received an Email recounting his harrowing experience in London. Unaware of it himself, he was staying at a five star hotel in the historic district, had his wallet stolen, and was now asking for money, lots of money, to be sent to bail him out! A long afternoon and evening later the Master was able to get his account back. He has now switched Email and bank accounts just to be safe.
Wednesday: The two middle daughters of this reporter and the Master of the house packed up their bags and drove north to the land of clouds, rain, and well-behaved vampires. They are currently with their grandparents in Puyallup. (pronounced "pew-all-up" for you non-Washingtonians). Miss Britt's best high school friend from Tacoma is being married on Saturday in the quaint village of Cle Ellum. Mrs. Mowes accompanied her sister to help drive and to see her best friend from high school in Utah, one Mrs. Witham, whose husband is having a summer internship in Seattle. Miss B spent a day with the bride to be and her girl friends dining and have manicures done, Mrs. M went boating with two of her Aunts and several cousins, then spent the evening and most of the next day with Mrs. W.
Friday: The Master and this reporter were able to have lunch at Cafe Rio (Ole'!) with this reporter's handsome and witty nephew Mr. Ellsworth and his equally charming and delightful wife Mrs. E. An additional treat was the presence of Mrs. E's parents, the Littles, all of St. George, Utah. Much food and talk took the better part of 2 hours as family and friends caught up on one another's lives and a deal was struck between the three men at the table to compete as a team next spring in a triathlon in St. George. The Master will swim, Mr. E will run, and Mr. L will bike. All are excited at the prospect and Mr. E was seen holding up one index finger in prediction of their success!
Saturday: The Master of the House, and his Mrs. (this reporter) attended a session at the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. All was peaceful and serene. There were no household chores to be done; no hackers, viruses, papers to turn in, or trips to make. This reporter was heard to utter a sigh and say, "I should come
to this place more often!"
Wow I must say this reporter has been very busy this week! What a great busy fun week! I got tears in my eyes when I read about the Master of the House turning in his final thesis and that it was now OVER. I so remember those same emotions when I turned in my last thesis some 14 and half years ago when I got my BA. What emotions. I'm so proud of him. He is amazing along with his reporter.
I also got rather jealous when I saw Mr. and Mrs. E and the "Littles" there eating with you all. That looks like so much fun! I'm glad that you all enjoyed each others company. I also think that I will have to come and see this triatholon (sorry I'm sure I spelled that wrong)what a great race it will be!
Well take care! We love you and miss you all!
Hi Marianne, This was a fun post to read and since I had heard and been a part of some of these events, it made it even more fun! We had a great time with you and Dee at Cafe Rio. Jim is already mapping out his training schedule, I told him he has plenty of time but he seems to be all gung ho to get started. This will be an exciting event to look forward to. Thanks for the support in our endeavor to bring Brent over to the "light"'s really beginning to work! He's such a good boy! See you soon, you always have a place to stay in St. George.
busy, busy!
i can't believe email accounts are getting stolen the lengths people go i'm paranoid:( what is this world coming to??
We all should go to those places more often. Your week sounded so fun! Mine was fun in a different way, and much sweatier. I, like JoLynn, felt "Little" jealous of your fun luncheon although I did get to have a conversation with Brent as he traveled northward (it's nice that he keeps losing your phone number, then he gets to call me). I love you dearly!!! Give all your family my love and Dee some more heartfelt congrats. Again LOVE YOU!!!
Wow I didn't know you were having such a busy weekend...thanks for fitting us in for lunch and some Tri-Chit-Chat!
It was so fun to see you both...and the kids as well. Lets do it again...SOON!
I have had a very hectic week also. I flew into Albuquerque on Monday the 13th. Dean and Renda met me and we drove back yo Bloomfield, a three hour drive. On thursday we went back to Albuquerque to pick Aunt Shirley up. Another drive back to Bloomfield. Friday we had to shop for a gift for Aunt Margaret and was in town most of the day. We went up to the La Plata Mountains at eleven and the party went on until mine that evening. Since it is about two hours back to Bloomfield we didn't get home until eleben pm. Sunday , you know how that goes. Church meetings a good share of the day. We had company until about ten thirty. Then we had to take Aunt Shirley back to Albuquerque to catch her flight back to Texas. We left here at nine am to get her there by noon. We shopped for Dean's birthday and got back here at around six. It is now eight thirty and I bet you can guess how I am feeling. I am feeling like I am every bit of 86 am a half. I enjoyed your blog so much, I envy you the visit with the good people from St. George. I love you all so much, Mom
Wow! Things have been very eventful in your neck of the woods! Sorry about sliced hands and hackers, but the other things sound good! :)
We own that same game, but none of us are smart enough to actually PLAY joke! :)
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