At the time she was mad at me for sneaking up on her but now we are all glad we have the endearing picture of our Samwise watching her work her magic. I still giggle at the chalk on his fur! These four Masters, Raphael, Leonardo, Michelangelo, & Donatello were a hit at the end of year art show. She has gone on to sell prints of them on this site. She has had some great success and the turtles on the half shell have ended up on t-shirts, mugs, and in all kinds of households.
One of the freakiest days for her was when one of her sisters was on Facebook and came across a post that a random friend had made where they shared Rachel's turtle prints, not knowing who she was, exclaiming how amazingly cool they were. Said sister quickly added her comments that the artist was HER sister and, yes, she IS amazing! A few more posts by other strangers and these four guys went viral...big time!
Recently a movie director (one who was at Sundance this year) came across them and ordered all four large prints. He tweeted about them and the artist stating that "She is a legit lady"! That's my girl! She takes it all in stride and still says she is not that good. Having just completed her first term of online classes from SCAD, or the Savannah College of Art and Design, she is working hard to save money so she can move to Georgia and attend the school in person. They have extended scholarships to her and are waiting for her arrival.
Recently Rachel was blessed with a new position at the AF Fitness Center. She has moved up from "desk girl" to being a shift manager. This will give her more hours and bring her closer to her dream. She jokes that she has become "Brittany Jr." as this is the same job Brittany had when she put herself through school.
And...if you ever feel the need for an awesome t-shirt or art for your wall, visit the website link above and help put a girl through art school!
We are so proud of you Rachel!
P.S. Today, 33 years ago I became a mother. I could not ask for a sweeter daughter than our Sarah! We love you Sarah dear, and are anxious for that dissertation to be finished so we will know where you are going to land and begin your work. We are so proud of the faithful, kind, lovely woman you are. Wish we could be there today to hug you and eat some cake!
Please indulge me while I travel down Memory Lane!
My helper!
Swimmer~100 backstroke...zoomed right to State!
Scholar extraordinaire! Wilson High School
Brigham Young University Bachelor's and Master's degrees.
Devoted Missionary
New York, Utica Mission
World Traveler...
Florence, Italy
Green Gables on P.E.I., Canada
Niagra Falls, Canada side, with Brittany
In the Louvre, Paris France with Diana. Always modest girls (!).
Admirer of Caesar (wrote her Master's thesis on the guy).
Scotland (Edinburgh in the background, I think!)
Love these girls. All of your daughters are amazing! I am kind of partial to one in particular though.
...That's not Caesar... But happy birthday to my Sarah. And way to go Roo!
Oh shoot! All of those statues look like Caesar!
Happy Birthday to Sarah. We hope she had a wonderful day celebrating! Also GOOD JOB Rachel,,,that is AWESOME. I also think she is legit! :) Super talented!!
Love you all
Well, he is a Caesar, just not Julius. That is Marcus Aurelius I believe, the last of the "good" emperors. Thanks for the birthday love Mom!
How did I miss this lovely post? Well anyway, Happy Happy Birthday to Sarah. She is absolutely beautiful on the inside and the outside and so talented! Speaking of talented...Rachel is unbelievable! She has some serious talent! So impressive. You should be one proud mama of all your kids!
Lots of Love,
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