First we have the lady whose idea this photo shoot was...Helen Hamblin Ellsworth and her sweet husband George! I love this picture for a few reasons. First, Dad's hair is still in his trademark flat top. He wore it that way after his stint in the Army Air Corps in WWII up through about 1976. Also, no matter how far he got from those Army days he still stood at attention for pictures.
Shoulders back! Chest out! Suck in that gut!
Then there is Mom's, wig. That's right wigs were all the rage back then! He real hair was frosted this silvery color and usually stood about that tall anyway. It's just that sometimes a gal doesn't want to fix her own hair, right?
The next photo is of Dad with his then youngest grandchild, Eileen Black. She was a little dolly!
Knee socks were a big fad and I love hers, which are technically thigh socks on those short little legs, but who's going to get that picky?

Here we all are! The whole gang minus my brother Richard who was serving his mission in Australia, and camera shy bro-in-law Jay. That's me on the left holding Juan the chihuahua. Next is my lil' sis Georgena apparently bossing her nephew Edwin around because he is standing in front of his sister Jalyn. You can see Jalyn's VERY blonde wiglet sticking up. That's right. I said, "wiglet". It looked like a small fluffy dog and you hooked it into your real hair so you could have awesome height on your head. (We all had one.) Next is my big sis Sharon in a boat necked dress with a brooch on the side. What's that on her head? You guessed it! Her hands are on little Norman who never smiled for a picture until he was maybe 12 years old! Eileen, sporting those thigh socks is next to him, and behind her is my sister-in-law Renda. Big brother Dean comes last and he looks like he is about to tell someone off as well. Cute little Renda was expecting her first baby who turned out to be a very LARGE Tyler Dean Ellsworth...we are talking about 11 pounds or so? Wait! What's that on Renda's head??? That's right, a wig. Why? Because they were IN, and because she was a beauty school graduate who worked at
The Wig Shop on E. University Dr., and my mother went crazy with her discount!

Lastly, as if the previous photo wasn't enough to wet your "Pre-Brady Bunch" senses ...we moved to the sidewalk to pose in front of Dad's work truck. I am actually glad we have this picture because I loved that old truck. You see, we had moved "into town" from the dairy out on N. Recker and when I heard that rattling pick-up pull up in our carport I knew my Daddy was home! This is in front of our house at 323 N. Hunt Drive in Mesa. Why is there a cage on the back of Dad's truck? For hauling bawling little calves around on the farm, and for caging up a bunch of wig-crazy women when you couldn't take it any more!
P.S. Don't hate my hair. Mom made me do it. And yes, this is mid October in Mesa, Arizona. It was probably in the high 80's, thus, the thigh socks on the baby! We were chilly.
I love the pictures! I love the one of grandma and grandpa and the wig. They are such a darling couple!
Grandma has a HOTT body!
Oh the wigs. My mother had a few and I remember my sister wanting one sooo bad, but never getting one. So she would tease and tease and tease her hair and tons and tons and tons of hairspray until she had her beehive in place - ha! I'm surprised you didn't say anything about Uncle George's red slippers . . . classic!
I LOVE the wig...I would wear a wig everyday if I could...they are SO fun!
I love all the pictures!!! It is so fun looking back at "the way we...meaning you...were"
I LOVE the wig...I would wear a wig everyday if I could...they are SO fun!
I love all the pictures!!! It is so fun looking back at "the way we...meaning you...were"
This is so much fun!
By the time I reached 8th grade at Carson Jr. High, I was my full height of 5'-6". That's just average now, I guess, but back then I was taller than almost all of my friends, and a bit chunky too. My older brother introduced me to his friends as "my sister, the big 8th grader". Nice.
My mom has been wearing wigs for years because she doesn't like doing anything with her real hair!
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