When my Diana was very little she had trouble speaking. One of her most common difficulties was that she would mix up syllables. For example: Polly Pocket became "Pocky Pollet", napkin became "nakpin", nail polish became "poll nellish", and we would often go to "usmeums" or sing "usmic". Sometimes she just plain made up her own words! World renowned swim coach Dick Hannula was "Coach Hamlia" to Diana. The Pocahontas song "What's Around the River bend?" came out "Once around the rubber band!!"
So none of us were surprised when she came up with an amusing new name for our yearly gingerbread men.
"Mom, can we make
dangerbread men today?" she asked one day. To this day I cannot make the little brown men who threaten to jump off my cookie sheet and run away without thinking of little Diana and her Dangerbread Men! Are they like secret agents? Are they into X-treme sports?
We'll never know because they get eaten really quickly and the heads usually go first!

These are my mother's cutters. I remember using them when I was very small. They are vintage, er...antique, um...heck! Mom you have lived 87 amazing years and you are vintage yourself! It is very cool that my children get to eat the same guys that I did!

Here's the line up. Do they look dangerous to you?
They cook up so plump!

The unhappy one was Michael. His cell phone had just been smushed that morning and he was sad. So what did Michael do? He ate to little guy's frowny face first!
Can you believe that today is the first time I looked at blogs in days. I have been so busy that I haven't even got to do one of my favorite things-read blogs.
Anyway, this is such a darling post. Now everytime I think or eat dangerbread men I will think of Diana:)
I just love little gingerbread men and these are especially cute, each with it's own personality. Christmas traditions are so wonderful, even those that go away for awhile and then come back (which some of ours are doing). Keep up the good work in keeping memories alive and we wish you all a Merry Christmas.
I LOVE that you use the same cookie cutters as your mother!
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