I am here to let you know that there has not been much going on around here.
My people are very down and lethargic. Mom and Richard spent the week sick. Richard had a bad cough. Mom called it Bronchitis...sounds like a crazy dinosaur to me! Mom had an ear infection AGAIN! She says the doctor wants her to get tubes put in her ears.
I feel bad about that because she always scratches my ears when I feel down.
Maybe I could scratch her ears, my claws are long enough for sure!
Oh yeah, in case you are wondering what I am doing under Mom's chair...let me just say, "Brittany! You are SO annoying sometimes!"
I used to dive under the furniture and hide a lot when I was a puppy.
She wanted to see if I would still fit.
Have you seen me dive under there in recent years???
She pushed me!!!
She can't fit into her jeans anymore!
I miss her so much I wrote a sad song and I sing it a lot.
You can hear me sing in the video below.
The other day Rachel's bestest friend in the whole world came by to visit us.
I went crazy!
I have to tell you I love Sarah better than anyone in the whole neighborhood!!
She used to hold me a lot when I was a puppy and I fell in love with her.
See my smile in that photo? Oh yeah!
Well, these little birds are called finches and they are starting to annoy me.
They sit in our apple tree and tweet and sing all day but they NEVER land on the grass!
If you click on the pictures you can see this little thief better.
Britt likes to go to Sonic and get kid's meals so she can get the toys.
She brought this motorcycle home to me and I love to chase it!
If that mouse rode this one around...he wouldn't get away from me and my lightning feet!
Mom actually left me alone! She had to go get Richard from school and I was afraid!
I hid in the laundry basket! It's a safe place and it smells like my family. I like it there.
Here are two videos that Mom took. One is the rain pouring down yesterday and the other one is of course the best! It is me and my sad song "Rachel, Come Home!"
What do you think...should I go for American Idol?
Maybe Mom will feel better soon and more will be happening around here.
Until then, this is Sam Loose, signing out!
Get your daughter over here right now! I want Sterling to date her so she and I can be friends!
Oh I just love that Samwise! He is a wise dog. I'm sorry his family hasn't been feeling to well and that he misses Rachel. Poor guy! Also I need to talk to Brittany about pushing that dog under the couch like that. I guess she's never had the experience of trying to squeeze into jeans that don't fit her anymore! I have and it's not to pleasant of a feeling.
Well I hope everyone feels better soon! We love you and thanks for all your sweet comments on our blog!
Love Ya,
Sam looks like a very sweet and intelligent dog, thus the "wise" part of Samwise, I guess. I'm glad he's around to keep up with the blogging while the rest of the people in the house recover from their various "issues". Sorry to hear that some of you are under the weather, this is no time to be sick, BYU Football is in the air. We need your support!
Enter with the scrapbooking stuff! I want to see!!
You're so clever! Loved this post! :)
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