It was a beautiful day in Provo, Utah!
After five long years of toil, many challenges, much writing and research, and plenty of family time sacrificed my wonderful husband received his Master of Exercise Science degree from
Brigham Young University!

Miss Britt was there...stylin' in her leggings and pink pumps!

The family turned out to share in his joy.

Here we are in the Smith Field House waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Nick & Diana would like you to know they did not plan to dress alike!
He left for work before she got up today!

Rachel & Brittany indulge their photo happy mother.

Here's my boy Richard on the end with his handsome cousins from Washington!

Look! It's in print!!!

Here is the Master himself to the right of the podium just after receiving his diploma.

Master Dee and his Mrs. Me!

I love this man SO MUCH!!!

All of our children were there except for Miss Sarah who is currently in Siena, Italy for a sememster. L.-R. Diana, Brittany, Dee, Rachel, & Richard.

I had to include this one because Rachel was rebelling. It was her last full day living at home!
We take her to Snow College in the morning :(

Here is the Master with his parents Bob & Felicia. They joined us from Washington.

Also making the trip were nephews Conner and Austin. We love these guys!

Here are the nearly newlyweds Diana and Nick with Dee.

After working so hard for this hood we had to get a shot of it!

We found it was raining and 87 degrees afterward! Nice!

I love this campus!
It is where I met my amazing husband and where I earned my own degree.
I am not boasting when I say how very proud I am of my Sweetheart today! The goal was to be done in three years. It took five! He is a public high school teacher & a professional swim coach so he works on average 12 hours a day. During four of the five years he served in a BYU bishopric; two of those years as the bishop all the while taking night classes and meeting with his ward members for appointments several evenings a week. It was exhausting physically and emotionally but he is finally done! He has always been an example to our children of how important a good education is. and I love him dearly for it.

The recessional song was perfect today. When it was all over the organ began playing..."All creatures of our God and King...Lift up your voice and with us sing...
This post made me get a little teary eyed! I'm so proud of Uncle Dee and of you and the kids. That is just so awesom! I love it when people set a goal and they achieve it! He did it!!! Way to go!
We love you all,
P.S. I think Diana and Nick look darling in their matching outfits and I love Britt's pumps and leggings. Good luck to Rachel!
Congratulations to Dee, and all the family for that matter! What a great accomplishment! It has been a glorious weekend here in Utah County, perfect for a graduation! Dee couldn't have picked a better day for his BIG DAY!! I wish I had remembered about it being graduation yesterday, I would have driven down to BYU...I love to watch the graduates walk across the bridges to the Marriott Center. I remember when our girls did that, I cried buckets and then when they lit the "Y" on the mountain that night, I told them it had been done just for them. So last night the Y was lit for DEE, Great Job! On a side note Marianne...I went to all those little shops in AF today, they are so cute. While in Finders Keepers, I ran into a friend that I haven't seen in a long time, she has just moved to Highland. Isn't it a small world. Then I went to the Emporium at Thanksgiving Point and bought a couple of cute little things. I really love that store.
Congrats to Uncle Dee and the entire family on this amazing accomplishment! We love you Uncle Dee and are proud of you! I am also a HUGE fan of that wonderful campus, it brings such big smiles to my family members here. I have mocked that campus and university for the better part of my life and can now say that I do have a big respect for it. This one is for you Uncle Dee..... GO COUGS!
And Kami loved Brit's shoes!
Congrats to you Uncle DEE
and Congrats to you Aunt Marianne for being the loving and suporting wife you are to help your wonderful husband get through all of this
We Love all of You, Good luck with everything WE miss you all so much.
Congratulations to your hubby! What a wonderful accomplishment! :)
I pretty much LOVE that Diana and Nick were matchy-matchy! So cute!
I didn't make Sierra's apron. Lauren found it online and sent me the link several months ago! I bought it right away and saved it until Sierra's birthday arrived. I LOVE when my kids make shopping easy for me! :)
CONGRATS to Dee!!! That's so amazing. :)
I am so sorry to be late commenting. We got home Sunday night and I have been basically unable to function, I am so tired. I am very proud of Dee and the way he stuck to it until he Won. Good jobe Dee. I love you.
We had a wonderful time in Bloomfielde. Played lots of card games and missed both of you. Oh yes, we ate a lot too,. Jays wedding was very nice. A little bit hard for me but I am very happy for him. He made a point of whispering to me that he wore the last gift Sharon gave to him. A nice turquoise tie tack. We both teared up a little.
Love all of you
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