There have been some other big changes going on around here too. For one thing, I have not talked about this because it was not really my story to tell until recently. Our son-in-law Nick lost his job back on November 17th, his and Diana's 4th wedding anniversary. Way to put a damper on the celebrations. He has been looking and applying, but it is tough out there right now. Things were getting pretty tight for them and so they made the choice to move out of their lovely condo and into our home. Bless them! They now occupy our little basement room with most of their belongings in storage. They do have their own bathroom down there and Nick built a nice closet for them in the storage room. This all took place during the time that Samwise began to feel poorly. It has been emotionally very hard on all of us to lose him but nice to have each other. Nick has been a big comfort to me. His parents raised him right, that's for sure. He has repaired and improved so many things in the house that I don't know how we can ever repay him. He was there with Britt and I when Sam left this life. I will always be thankful to him for the kindness he showed us and continues to give us on a daily basis. He is applying for various grad schools and will know maybe by the end of spring where he may be going. He recently got a job too. Really good news!
I have tried to keep myself busy sewing and have come up with some pretty cute fabric combinations for my new aprons. I have also developed a new pattern that I hope to show you soon. That's my goal for this week. I am set up for sewing in my bedroom again. Nick and Diana feel badly that I "lost" my sewing room but I tell them I sewed upstairs for so long that it feels quite normal! I wouldn't have it any other way for them right now.
In other news...Nick and Diana took Dee and I out for frozen yogurt a few weeks ago. They wanted to thank us for taking them in. Now, Master Dee is always up for a frozen treat and he loves our two new yogurt places, Orange Leaf and U-Swirl. It was at U-Swirl that we settled into big, blue, comfy couches to enjoy our treats that night when Diana pulled out a can of nuts. She said, "Look what I got today. Do you want some?" Dee took one look at the can and said, "What are you trying to give me? That's a trick can! I am not opening it!" Nick and Di implored him to just try some and he refused. Finally Diana said, "Dad! Just open the *%#@ can!" He handed it to me so I aimed it at Nick and popped the lid. All of these colorful snakes came flying out, hitting Nick and flying over the back of the sofa. Ha ha ha.
Nick kind of laughed and said, "Well, I guess we had better pick it all up. Can you hand me the lid? That's when I saw this...
congrats! What a fun way to share the news!
What GREAT news!!! How exciting! I'm happy for them and for you guys! First baby, first grandchild. Oh how fun! Congrats to you all!
Love You All,
Hooray! That is FANTASTIC news, and I love the way they surprised you!
Lauren is moving in with us, either this summer when their lease is up, or when Ted leaves for Air Force Training, whichever comes first. She will still be living here when the baby is born. BIG adventure for sure!
This is just the happiest news ever! I'm so excited for the new parents and the new grandparents! A whole new life is about to begin for all of you. It sounds like so many good things are coming your way...we still have our fingers crossed for Dee...but they're starting to cramp...hehehe
Congratulations to them and you! We can't wait to come see you guys next month!
This is just so happy! I love this!
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