Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm Ba-a-ack...sort of.

Yes, that is an ice cream spoon in my hand...I could have told you I was eating broccoli but really, would you have believed me?

Our main computer is dead. My brilliant nephew James is sending us a disk that will hopefully restore it. Until then I have to share Dee's lap top. He was in Portland for the last 7 days (Western Sectional Swimming Championships) and his lap top went with him. I have been having blog withdrawals. Dee's swimmers all swam lifetime best times and did very well thank you!

There will be no Memory Monday again tomorrow. I wanted to post a few fun family pioneer stories but there's no time tonight. I'll work on them this week and you shall see them next Monday. Trust me, they involve forts, horses, indians attacking, and the like! I'll make it good!

Sarah has started a blog! She leaves for five months of research in Italy on Tuesday. I made her promise she would chronicle her experiences this time including photos. The link is here. She would have been away from us until Christmas in Toronto anyway...but just the thought of her being across the pond makes me miss her more! Visit her blog and comment'llkeep her from missing home so much!


URFAVE 5+A Few said...

I will be anxiously awaiting your Memory Mondays. I love them! I will check in and leave comments on Sara's blog. I can only imagine what it is like when your children go away. I have thought a lot about that as I have read yours and Gina's blogs. It makes me sad in when I think of my kids growing up and going away but at the same time that is life and what their suppose to do. I guess we'd be even sadder (is that a word?) if they never left and never moved on and grew up. It shows you have raised a strong confident woman and that says a lot! She will have a lot of learning experiences and growth there and it will be exciting for her. I am anxious to read all about it.

Well take care and I will be waiting to read Monday Moments.

Love ya,

P.S. Congrats to Uncle Dee and his swim team! Whoo Whee!!!

Gena said...

I love your post photo; I can see it ALL in your eyes. Oh, and I get to see you on THURSDAY! Is that still okay? I love you, you hand holding sweetie.

ps. if you get this before I leave home PLEASE remind me to finish the things Mom was putting together for you and bring them!

Edwin & Tamara said...

Yep sure hate it when computer go
mine is still in AZ with my brother still having major surgery

Unknown said...

I am shipping the CD out today. I kind of lost my wallet in Seattle one night last week, so I couldn't ship anything out until I got my replacement credit/debit cards.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your computer woes, there's nothing worse!! Lucky for you to have a computer guy in the family. We are always so thankful for our Raleigh. I think I've figured out that Gena is coming for a fun! And speaking of fun...Lucky Sarah!! We loved Italy, we hope to return one day and spend more time there. It will be fun to check out her blog. I hope you all have a great time this weekend.

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I love so much that you are eating ice cream and not brocolli. Srsly.

Alice said...

Just stopping by to say thanks for those links you left on Lauren's blog! They are great!!!