On Tuesday of this week Dee and I will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. (!) It is inconceivable to me how quickly years go by. When I was a little girl "30" was such a big number! I used to think that when I turned 30 I would be
ancient! Now I have been married that long and it just doesn't feel like it! I still feel very young at heart and hope to always be that way. I still feel just as much in love with Dee as ever and even more so. He makes my heart beat faster when I hear his voice on the phone. I still get goose bumps at the touch of his hand. I want, more than any other thing during my days to make him happy. That's how it should be! I know he loves me more than any other human being on this earth. Our love just gets better and better! Now that we are looking at parenthood from the other side, having four of our five children grown, I am looking forward to spending all of the years we have left together, just the two of us at home. I am glad that we have nurtured our love so that at this point in our lives we
want to be together instead of the old excuse of "we've just grown apart"! Sad!
So, Happy Anniversary my dear husband! I love you and thank you for the happiest 30 years of my life!
Some 30 year old memories:
The new Mr. & Mrs. Loose.

It was 116 degrees!
The Ellsworth family.

Did we feel the heat? No!


I don't think these fountains are there anymore.

People see this photo and ask if we were married in Hawaii!

It was starting to get hot...hence, the mists!

The grass was half dead...the sky was full of monsoon clouds!

The Looses and Holdens.

I loved pink! The guys hated their tuxes, said they felt like ice cream men. Now that I look back at it...yeah!

We even had a pink cake! It was applesauce & spice. Very yummy!

A wedding waltz. The custodian called my parents half-way through the day to tell them the A/C was broken at the church. They brought in lots of fans.
I'm telling you, we never felt the heat! We were too in love!

Tossing the bouquet...Gena caught it!

We honeymooned in beautiful Sedona!

No, we didn't get any photos together!

Happy Anniversary! You two are one of my couples I look up to and am so thankful for your wonderful examples of marriage and how to live your lives and raise your family. We sure love you both! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Lots of Love,
Happy Anniversary, You guys anniversary is the same day lilys birthday is :) how fun.
Have you got anything special planed?
Congrats and you two have fun
Be sure to give all of the love that you have to each other. Time is short and you need to hold each other as much as possible. Love is the most important thing that we have in our lifes it can last for an eternity. Congratulations. LOVE Jay
I love your comment about not feeling the heat. Walking around the temple in December, with everyone telling us how cold it was, all I remember is how warm I felt in my sweeties arms. *Sigh* what a good day!
Happy Anniversary! :) I absolutely love your dress, especially the neckline! I hope your day is absolutely splendid!!
I saw that Dee is on Facebook! He friended me!
The pina-colada pizza was good. Interesting too. It had a creamy pineapple-coconut-orange sauce, cheese, pinapple, chicken, mandarin oranges, coconut and almonds. It just made me really sick (cuz Brick Oven pizza does that to me - its super heavy). But it was good! Love ya!!!
Mamma! It is always so fun to see into these memories. I love it because it makes me think about my own and what part of my life I am in right now. Happy Anniversary! ~Love Nick and I both!
Happy Anniversary to you both. Such cute pictures of you and your families. A beautiful bride and handsome groom and you don't look much different today! I can remember exactly what I was doing on the very day you got married, funny huh? We were moving into our new home in CA and the next day I rested because it was my birthday. I love June, don't you!
Happy anniversary! :)
I have a wedding picture with that same fountain, and I'm sad that it's no longer there!
My bridesmaid dresses looked a lot like yours!
Narrianne; I am so sorry I haven't checked the blogs all week. In fact I have been neglectful for awhile. Anyhow, I was glad I did this morning. I am only three days late commenting. It was a beautiful day, thirty years ago. I know because I was there. The years do pass far too quickly and we don't realize it at the time. I just hope you have as many years together as your Dad and I did. That means you have another 31 years to go. Make good use of the time, it does pass far too soon.
Happy Anniversary Mom
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