Thursday, November 17, 2011

Four More Years!!

Normally that cry is for a candidate that the people wast to re-elect. Today I am pleased to ask for four more years and on into forever for my Diana and her sweetheart Nick. I cannot believe it has been four years but they have been fun and never dull with Nick around! He is currently working on a special project for me for my birthday next week. I can't wiat to show you all!

Four years ago today it was a lovely 73 degrees in American Fork, Utah. A beautiful day all around. I was so happy for my girl. happy that she had found someone she loved.

Hey Nick and Diana...Four more years to infinity and beyond!


URFAVE 5+A Few said...

Happy Anniversary to Nick and Diana. They are a darling couple!It looks like you got a wonderful new son when you got Nick. Man I hope that my kids marry great people like Nick. That is a bit scary when you think about what they could bring home.

Ellsworth Party of Four said...

Congrats to Diana and Nick. I love LOVE!!!...and happy families! Heres to another 4 and many more to come!