Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Down the Hole!

So, sometime this winter the main shut off valve for our sprinkler system froze and broke. We found this out the other day when Nick turned it on for me and the PVC pipe that leads down to the valve filled with water! This valve is about 4 1/2 feet down to protect it from freezing! Oh well! Nick dug down to it yesterday to replace it and I was amused at the sight of my sons, head first down the hole pulling out the dirt!
The job was not without its' problems! Our American Fork Home Depot did not have the valve we needed so they had to go to Lindon (about a 20 minute round trip) to get one only to get home and discover they had been sold the wrong one! Poor Nick. It began to get very late and the moon came out. He faced peril as he felt a sting on his eyelid. An ant had attacked! Then, when nearly done putting the new valve on, he lost his balance and started to slide headfirst into the dark abyss! Brittany saved his life...or at least his neck...and held on until Dee could get a good grip on him and help him up! Bless him! We love our new son! (So does our grass!)

1 comment:

Edwin & Tamara said...

That made me laugh, I would have loved to see that.
Just like edwin the other day when we where working on amanda and davids place putting in new floors well edwin was tring to cut out the rotted floor and stood in the wrong place and fell through the floor all I heard was the S... word very loudly and I went running in the room and the was my dear husband crawling out of the floor, I wish I had had my camara, first I asked if he was alright, and right when he said yes a busted out laughing I couldnt help myself it was so funny.
Well the frosting wasn't chocolate but the cuppie cakes were.